Looks kinda funky, doesn't it? Its ok you wont hurt my feelings. I made the icing a bit too thin, but we'll get there in a moment.
Ok this is a smith island cake. Its nine layers. Its delicious. And today, its rainbow colored. I may have promised a friend of mine that I would make him some cakes for a bake sale to help him on his way to Miss Gay America. So I thought a rainbow Smith Island cake would be fabulous. So did everyone else. So this is my test run. Like I said the icing needs some thickening (but honestly its was gonna snow and I could NOT be bothered to go to the store to buy extra powdered sugar to thicken it up). I like the colors of the cakes though. And I think I have a decent process set up now for making the. Total time? Around two hours.
Now here's the issue. I was sworn to secrecy on my cake recipe. So I can share it. But really you can use a regular box mix, just make sure you mix it till its kinda fluffy. But I can share the icing recipe which is as follows:
One Stick butter
One Box Sugar
2 Tbsp milk (add more 1 tsp at a time until its a creamy consistency)
1 tsp good vanilla
Mix it all together, and really it shouldn't be as this as the one in my pic. Don't be lazy like me. But if you are, well then that our little secret.
So how do you make a smith island cake? Well, patience is a virtue so remember that when you take this project on.
I probably shouldnt have so many options color wise. But its kinda fun. I recommend it. Now my little bowls hold a cup and have measuring widgets on the side. So I can measure and mix all in one go. This makes less waste which is important when you are trying to make a zillion layers of cake. I will also tell you that I had three bowls, three spoons, and three pans. I washed and dried each set between baking rather than risking any colors mixing up.
Next you are going to take those pretty colors and add them to your pans. And its an eight inch pan. And your filling it with 1/2 c. of batter. Its gonna look a bit thin, but don't worry. I promise you this will work. Once I spread it with the spoon, I whomp it on the kitchen counter a couple times to make sure its well spread out.
Once all three are done, pop them in the oven for about 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees. I cook all three at one time. I look forward to making these at my moms house. She has two ovens. I am so jealous.
Once cooked I let them rest on a cooling rack.From the cooling rack i stack them on a plate with wax paper between. Gives me an idea of the way I want to stack them and about how high the cake is gonna be.
So once all of those layers are baked let them cool while you go sip on a cup of tea. When you're ready to head back into the kitchen whip up that icing recipe and lets assemble!

Stack and ice. It is a VERY thin layer of icing between each layer. And if it gets to high, or becomes the leaning tower of Pisa stick something in it to hold it steady. Pretzel rods work pretty good.

Yeah that icing looks pretty bad, but the COLORS!!!! Its not a bad way to impress someone yeah? And hopefully for us it will raffle and sell well enough to help our friend on his way. So ENJOY!
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